To repeat: They outnumbered Orks and lost.

When they first engaged in space combat on a fleet scale, they outnumbered Orks and lost. The bulk of their fleet is actually the size of an Imperial light cruiser, with less armor and less solid hull design, that can carry escorts to moderately make up for it and is really cheap to build too. Battleships? Hah! Tau 'battleships', actually large colony ships, are a joke, their big ships are only good for launching fighters and carrying escorts. Cruiser sized ships? Well, they have one excellent class that can be considered to have parity with an Imp line cruiser. Long range escorts? They rock only slightly less hard. Their only FTL escorts are messangers, which are useless in a fight, and small ships from one Tau-ized race, who are natural spacefarers and psychics and thus really good too.īasically, the larger stuff gets, the worse off Tau are when compared to the Imps. They don't even have FTL drives on many, so they figured out how to toe them on their non-hero Capships, so instead of a FTL drive they have more weapons and while that makes them only able to deploy a limited number, the extra space really comes in handy for making them kick the tail of other escorts. The two things the Tau have going for them, fleet-wise, is they can make their less-good ships fairly cheap, and some of their escorts are nasty as heck. The Hero is their strongest ship without a doubt, and only the equivelent of a Lunar. Actually, ton-for-ton, I'd say only the Hero class is close to equal, and it has the problem that instead of an armored prow it has a force field that can be taken out by a lucky hit.